
A sermon to the fishes

I'll tell you this much, I was not born to be idle.
A few days without physical exercise and my body starts aching in places as strange as they come. I need to change. See new places, experience a new reality... something. Still not done growing up, I guess. Otherwise, why does it feel so good to have a new challenge? I'm 26 and experiencing a new kind of frenzied will to put myself to the test and I'm frikin' loving it.
Am I making a mistake? Should I just keep still?
I've been watching to many people do that and I'm definitely not fond of the end result, so far. Full-grown people still living with their parents, not taking a chance with the world, afraid of bearing their own weight or carrying the risk of a new endeavour. Not for me, thanks!
I'm afraid to loose, as any person who's born with a competitive mindset is. But I have. In more ways than one, I've lost my fair share and I will loose some more. By any rate loosing is an effective way of learning and not something to keep myself from sticking my neck out... And hey, my neck's still here and he's going effin' strong!

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